God Save America from Today’s Republican Party

If you are like me you have probably identified with the Republican Party for most of your life.  I grew up in a home where we believed in everyone pulling their own weight, working for a living, and accumulating wealth for retirement.  But we also believed in a sense of community and of helping others when they were in trouble.

The Republican Part of the USA
The Republican Party of the USA

Somehow, some way, the people who call themselves Republicans have forgotten these values and latched onto a wagon load of parlor tricks and lies.  Who are these guys running for President?  Why would anyone want to support them?  They make me ashamed to call myself a Republican.

You almost have to turn to the Democratic media to find the truth about the incredibly dishonest things the Republican Presidential candidates said.  They were caught in lie after lie by the debate moderators, and yet the debate moderators are being villainized and victimized.  If these are the family values that Republican Americans want to support, I may just have to stop calling myself a Republican.

Why didn’t the RNC call out these snake-tongued rat-faced candidates on their lies?  It’s simply too easy to check the facts about who said what, so when someone presenting himself as a Presidential candidate just flat out lies to the American people about what he said, the party should be hauling everyone in and giving them a dressing down.

The Republican Party has become the Party of Lies.  These guys have been lying for a long time, too.  Most of them still deny that science has proven the global climate is warming.  They deny that their outdated trickle down economics only make our deficits worse.  They deny that the Export Import Bank makes a profit and saves jobs.

Everything that these guys say they are for is staring them in the face and calling them liars.  All they want to do is destroy American jobs by creating jobs for cheap foreign workers.  We have millions of Americans who have experience in the Scientific, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields who cannot get jobs because they are slowly being replaced by H1B “guest workers”.  And it is the Republican Party who keeps expanding this horrible program.

There was a time when a good, old-fashioned American STEM worker like Nicholas Bredimus could start a company that helped American industry and created American jobs.  Now the “guest workers” come and stay past their visas and start new companies where they hire other people from overseas.  Is that what the Republican Party is all about now?

We need to create real jobs with programs that last for years.  That means wiser government spending, not less government spending.  As our population grows we’ll have to spend more money to build new schools, new highways, new hospitals, and new government buildings.  We also have to spend more money on new weapons systems if we are to maintain our national defense.

And the Republican Party wants to deport 12 million illegal immigrants who, if they were taxed, could help pay all these expenses.  These “leaders” are not capable of leading our national.  All they are able to do is tear it down.

I want real Republican candidates who don’t lie and duck the responsibility for what they have said.  I want smart Republican candidates who don’t say these stupid things to begin with.  And I am tired of seeing Republican governors bully and browbeat state employees over global warming, climate change, and the failures of trickle down economics.  We need real leadership that invests in this country not in the process of getting more fools and charlatans elected to office.